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Vaishali A. Patel
Oct 10, 20212 min read
Pitrupaksh / Shraadh
#WhyDoWe Do you know what Pitrupaksh or Shraadh is? If you grew up in a Gujarati home, chances are you saw your elders or parents...
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Vaishali A. Patel
Oct 9, 20211 min read
Feeling Better When Dressing Better
#WhyDoWe I recently discovered something I had no idea about myself: I actually feel better when I LOOK better! For me, that means...
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Vaishali A. Patel
Oct 8, 20211 min read
Desi Calendars
#WhyDoWe Have you heard of a "Datto" Desi calendar? This is another example of "tell me you are Desi without telling me you are Desi"!...
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Vaishali A. Patel
Oct 7, 20211 min read
Janmashtmi Celebrations
#WhyDoWe What did Janmashtmi Celebrations look like when you were younger? For me, it was staying up untll midnight, welcoming the...
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Vaishali A. Patel
Oct 6, 20211 min read
Dressing in "chaandalo" or "bindi"
#WhyDoWe Tell me you are Desi without telling me you are Desi... One of the things I looked forward to as a young girl in the 80s -...
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Vaishali A. Patel
Oct 5, 20211 min read
Are you just in it to win?
#WhyDoWe Are you part of the race? Do you care if you win or lose? During one of my morning readings recently I came across this...
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Vaishali A. Patel
Aug 25, 20211 min read
Jada Blankets
Let's keep in touch on language learning and culture - join my email list!dd#WhyDoWe Tell me you are Desi without telling me you are...
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Vaishali A. Patel
Aug 19, 20211 min read
Going All-Out for Birthdays
#WhyDoWe So, tell me you are Desi without telling me you are Desi. 🤣🤣 For the longest time I thought this is how everyone in the...
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Vaishali A. Patel
Aug 19, 20214 min read
Festivals and Celebrations during Shraavan Mahino
#WhyDoWe NAAGPANCHAMI Many of us are scared of snakes. That makes sense, as many snakes are poisonous! However, in a farming country like...
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Vaishali A. Patel
Aug 17, 20212 min read
Share Your Debt and Sorrow
#WhyDoWe Would you tell people in your circle if you were in debt or terminally ill? “Dukh ane dard ek beejaa saathe vehchavu” (Share...
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Vaishali A. Patel
Aug 17, 20211 min read
#WhyDoWe Tell me you are Desi without telling me you are Desi... Rotli no dabbo - Roti dabaa I remember when we spent our summers in...
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Vaishali A. Patel
Aug 17, 20211 min read
Do You 'Act' Your Age?
#WhyDoWe "Act your age" "Aa ummare aa badhu naa sobhe ("This doesn't suit you at this age") "At this age focus on Bhakti, raising...
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Vaishali A. Patel
Aug 17, 20212 min read
Oombaraa Pujan
#WhyDoWe Have you seen women around you cleaning the door frame (Oombaro) and putting kumkum dots or divo by it? Why do we do...
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Vaishali A. Patel
Aug 17, 20212 min read
Raising Daughters Like Sons
#WhyDoWe "I have raised my daughter like a son” (Maari dikari ne dikaraa ni jem moti kari chhe) hmmm... How about “I have raised my son...
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Vaishali A. Patel
Aug 17, 20212 min read
Judging Those Who Don't Speak English
#WhyDoWe We look the same, we dress the same, we eat the same food, then why do you say he is Bengali, Sri Lankan, Pakistani? And why are...
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